We believe in connecting the physical world to the internet, supporting the creation of original products and innovative services.

Our company provides customers with a full spectrum of engineering services in order to build cutting-edge, robust Internet-of-Things (IoT) consumer products, secure industrial machine-to-machine (M2M) solutions and embedded machine learning applications on the edge.

Depending on the customer specific needs, RELOC builds vertical AIoT solutions, starting with the analysis of requirements, identifying the best technologies for the project, developing custom hardware or integrating existing components, creating wireless infrastructures based on the most suitable communication protocols, developing firmware and software components, manufacturing complex prototypes based on different technologies, gathering data on Cloud platforms for further analysis and, eventually, presenting contents via responsive web interfaces and mobile APPs.

Designed and built in conjunction with RELOC and Edge Impulse, BrickML is a readily deployable plug-and-play edge ML device for measuring and monitoring machine health using machine learning at the edge.

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